Over $375,000 awarded in college and book scholarships to graduating
East Hampton High School seniors.
The Ben & Bonnie Krupinski Memorial
$10,000 College Scholarship
One $10,000 4 Year Scholarship awarded per calendar year to a high school senior who has been accepted to an accredited 2 or 4 year college. $2,500 per year will be awarded to the student. This year, GEHEF awarded two (4) year scholarships.
2020 Recipient(s): Karyme Hurtado & Bailey Grant
A $2,500 Scholarship will be awarded to a female graduate planning to attend college to pursue a business path, be it academic, professional or entrepreneurial.
2020 Recipient: Remy Campbell
Book Scholarships $500 Per Recipient
Each year GEHEF awards 10 book scholarships to graduating East Hampton High School students. Funds are used for college textbook purchases.
2020 Recipients:
Reghan Anderson, Olivia Davis, Henry Garneau, Callum Menelaws, Lillian Minskoff, Alden Powers, Samantha Prince, Valeria Marin, Juliana Jurkiewicz, Kathleen Berrezueta, Tia Weiss
the dan hamlin memorial scholarship
One $500-$1,000 scholarship awarded per calendar year to a EHHS Senior planning on majoring in science (including engineering, math and science education)
2020 Recipient: Esteban Procel
8th Grade “habits of the mind” CHARACTER AWARDS:
The Habits of Mind are an identified set of 16 problem solving, life related skills, necessary to effectively operate in society and promote strategic reasoning, insightfulness, perseverance, creativity and craftsmanship.
One 8th Grade student from each school is honored each year. Names are listed on brass plaques in the main lobby.
2020 EHMS Recipient - Kimberly Hilario-Mendez
2020 Springs School Recipient - William Hopkins
2020 Montauk School Recipient - Zoe Jade Sanderlin